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Members: Membership


Membership in the Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies Special Interest Group is open to all current members of the American Society for Indexing (ASI) or affiliate indexing societies:

Upon registration, your membership in one of these societies is subject to verification. Please consider joining one of these indexing societies, if you are not a member already.

New Member Registration

SIG membership dues are US$5.00. Dues are for the calendar year January - December. If you are a new member joining in the final quarter (October - December), your SIG dues will be applied toward SIG membership for following calendar year in addition to the remaining period of the current year.

Current and new ASI members may pay the dues annually (at the start of each calendar year) along with their ASI membership dues and use the ASI membership/renewal application, whether the paper form or the online application. The application has a line item for this SIG membership dues.

Those joining the SIG separately (either later in the year than when they completed their ASI membership/renewal application, or as a member of another indexing society affiliated with ASI) should pay dues directly to ASI by one of the following methods:

  1. Online credit card payments through the ASI Online Store. From the Item Type list, select Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
  2. Credit card payments to the Resource Center office of ASI by phone: 480-245-6750.
  3. Mailed check (in U.S. dollars) made out to the American Society for Indexing sent (with a note explaining that the payment is for the dues of the Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies SIG) to:
    American Society for Indexing, 1628 E. Southern Ave. #9-223, Tempe, AZ 85282 For follow-up, you may contact ASI at

Your membership in ASI or one of the above affiliated indexing societies will be verified. Your SIG membership will not be activated until your indexing society membership is confirmed, and SIG dues payments cannot be refunded for those who are ineligible to join the SIG.

In addition to contacting ASI for your dues payment, to be listed in the member directory please email the SIG webmaster (see contact information) stating: